Saturday night, we celebrated the holidays with my mom's side of the family. For the past several years, we have all gotten together a week (ish) before Christmas. Everyone shares some food - salad, wine, entree, etc... and we all plop a squat in the living room enjoying each other's company. We pick names for gifts so everyone gives and exchanges one present. LOVE this idea - makes things simple. :) Usually, I get suckered into playing Christmas music on the piano for a while and then inevitably, all children under 5 want to play the piano also. My cousin has 4 adorable children, so they are usually doing something entertaining. It's a nice time to catch up and hear about new (and old) things in people's lives. We chit chat about everything from work to politics to life changes to college to ... anything and everything! I love my family and we are so blessed that they all live nearby. Here are some pictures from the evening!
My beautiful mother :) |
family christmas card picture ... for this year |
take 2 |
first christmas with the love of my life! (well, almost christmas) |
Little Jessica - almost 2 years old |
Cousin Rebecca and her boyfriend, Nick |
Jordyn and I - she is the sweetest 2nd grader I know |
Jordyn's Safta (hebrew word for Grandma) got her a pretty necklace and lipgloss... she's getting so old! |
Ben excited about his 2 year subscription to National Affairs (very interesting journal! check out their online articles) |
My mom loved this scarf... |
but wasn't sure how to put it on... epitome of politically INcorrect |
tasty dessert success! |
Ben teaching Brody pool. No nonsense allowed either. |
Easy to see why children are precious to Jesus. |
What is your family doing to celebrate Christmas? (we have 2 or 3 more celebrations to come - can't wait to share them with you!)
Let the celebrations begin,
- Ren
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